Picture Perfect Paragraphs Bootcamp

decorative bullet Picture Perfect Paragraphs –
Creative Writing and Paragraph Structure Bootcamp

For Grades 2nd – 5th

Picture perfect paragraphs bootcamp

Boost Writing Skills

Dive into the art of crafting perfect paragraphs with the Picture Perfect Paragraphs bootcamp at Clairmont Advanced Education Center! Immerse yourself in a week filled with creative writing exercises and engaging challenges designed to enhance your paragraph structure and storytelling abilities.

Creative and Engaging

Our innovative program employs a multisensory approach, ensuring students not only learn but truly comprehend each element of a well-constructed paragraph. These essential writing skills, crucial for academic success, also prepare learners for the sophisticated writing tasks they will face in future grades and beyond! By participating in this vibrant bootcamp, students develop a solid foundation in writing, poised to tackle any literary challenge with creativity and confidence. Experience the dynamic world of creative writing at Clairmont Advanced!

  • Topic Sentences
    Learn how to craft engaging topic sentences that introduce the main idea clearly and succinctly, setting the stage for the paragraphs they write.
  • Using Descriptive Language
    Explore how to use adjectives and sensory details to paint vivid pictures with words, enhancing the reader’s experience and understanding.
  • Organizing Thoughts
    Practice organizing their ideas logically, using a simple framework to structure their paragraphs effectively, which helps in maintaining flow and clarity.
  • Creative Thinking with Photos
    Use photography to inspire writing by creating stories or descriptions based on images they capture during the scavenger hunt, linking visual creativity with written expression.
  • Concluding Sentences
    Develop skills in writing concise and impactful concluding sentences that wrap up their thoughts neatly and reinforce the main idea of the paragraph.
  • Advanced Paragraph Structure
    Dive deeper into paragraph structure, focusing on how to develop a coherent narrative or argument within a paragraph by linking multiple related ideas smoothly.
  • Enhanced Descriptive Techniques
    Learn to employ advanced descriptive techniques, such as metaphors and similes, to enhance their writing’s vividness and emotional impact.
  • Critical Thinking and Analysis
    Engage in exercises that encourage critical thinking about how best to convey a message or tell a story, analyzing examples and revising their own work for greater effect.
  • Storyboard Creation
    Create simple storyboards based on their photographs, which helps in planning and visualizing their stories or descriptive paragraphs before writing.
  • Peer Review and Feedback
    Participate in peer review sessions where they give and receive constructive feedback, learning to critique respectfully and use feedback to improve their writing skills.
Picture Perfect Paragraphs Bootcamp kids outside activities
writing + creativity + fun

decorative bullet Picture Perfect Paragraphs Bootcamp Daily Activities

Topic Sentences and Photo Scavenger Hunt
The bootcamp kicks off with the “Topic Sentence Hot Potato” game, where students pass a water balloon or a toy while learning about topic sentences, earning points for each fact they recite correctly. This is followed by a “Creative Thinking Photo Scavenger Hunt,” where students explore the campus with cameras, capturing images of items like a quiet deer or a colorful leaf. They craft topic sentences for each photo, enhancing both their understanding of effective writing and their observational skills. In case of rain, the scavenger hunt moves indoors, focusing on intriguing indoor features.

Descriptive Writing and Creative Art Integration
Students delve deeper into their creative journey by selecting pictures from Monday’s scavenger hunt to describe using the “Descriptive Sentences Worksheet.” They craft one sentence per picture, completing this exercise for two different photos with an active and fun brain break in between (with a lot more tickets to win!). In “Imaginative Art,” students envision and bring to life a character from their photos, painting or drawing directly onto their printed images. This activity encourages creativity and helps students think beyond the literal aspects of their photographs.

Building Paragraphs and Creative Writing
On Wednesday, creativity meets structure as students utilize their imaginative art from Tuesday to construct stories. They are tasked with creating a full paragraph by writing on five index cards—each dedicated to one part of the paragraph structure: a topic sentence, three supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence. After aligning their thoughts coherently, the cards are stapled in order along with their artwork. The day continues with “Sentence Darts,” an engaging activity where students test their understanding of sentence types. To win more tickets, they throw darts or water balloons at hoops labeled for topic, supporting, and concluding sentences, depending on the type of sentence the teacher reads, which reinforces their learning in a rewarding and interactive way.

Telling a Story
Thursday’s session at the Picture Perfect Paragraphs bootcamp combines storytelling with action figures and imaginative backdrops. Initially, students select a figure—like an action hero, Barbie, or Hot Wheels—and brainstorm story ideas together. They then create elaborate scenes for their characters, crafting settings on poster boards or within various indoor and outdoor environments, capturing these moments through photography. This activity lays the groundwork for their next writing project. Additionally, they engage in a “Scratch Art” exercise, where they jot down as many descriptive nouns, adjectives, and adverbs as possible related to their pictures, enhancing their vocabulary and descriptive skills in a playful manner while earning tickets for prizes.

Writing the Perfect Paragraph
On the final day of Picture Perfect Paragraphs bootcamp, students harness their creativity to craft the perfect paragraph. Utilizing the descriptive words gathered from Thursday’s scratch art, they construct a story about their previously designed action figure scenes. Each student writes a structured paragraph—starting with a topic sentence, followed by three supporting sentences, and capped with a concluding sentence. They then attach this written work to their action figure scenes on a poster board, giving their story a title and decorating the board to enhance their narrative visually. The session concludes with an opportunity for students to present and read their crafted paragraphs aloud, showcasing their week’s learning and creativity.

Picture Perfect Paragraphs Bootcamp Price: $225

Register here or call (914) 771-0531 for more info.

Picture Perfect Paragraphs Bootcamp Registration

July 29 – August 2 or August 26 – August 30; Monday – Friday (4:30pm-6:00pm)

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

decorative bullet We Appreciate All Of Your Reviews!

25 reviews on
Bryan E
Bryan E
March 19, 2024.
Ms. Liz, Ms. Yolanda, and the rest of the staff truly have an amazing approach and method of teaching that makes my child look forward to going to both his private tutoring and his reading club. I strongly suggest to any parent with child that needs extra assistance in school to look into Clairmont Advanced and with just the evaluation you'll realize how much they truly care.
Marco Velasquez
Marco Velasquez
December 30, 2023.
Amazing staff
Jessica Reisch
Jessica Reisch
December 30, 2023.
My son was years below grade level when he began to work with Clairmont about three years ago. He is now performing at just about grade level in all areas and his self- confidence is soaring . Ms. Liz personally tailors every lesson for his changing needs. She has made such a change in my child's life!
December 28, 2023.
My son is in kindergarten and has been struggling with reading and remembering his sight words so when I saw someone share a Facebook post about Clairmont's 4 day bootcamp over winter break, I called and they immediately scheduled my son for an assessment before the bootcamp. The staff has been phenomenal, patient, kind, and my son has begged to go back each morning this week since starting the bootcamp. I'm so impressed by how much he's learned already and what he tells me during our car rides home that I plan on signing him up for any future classes they have during school breaks. Their learn-by-playing method is so effective and the ticket reward system where kids can cash them in for small toys is incredibly motivating. I plan on telling his school teacher about it when he returns from the holiday break and recommending Clairmont to every parent I know that has a child struggling in school.
Bobbi Minerva
Bobbi Minerva
December 9, 2023.

decorative bullet Additional Information


big bullet blue dot arrowBootcamp: $225

Student Pick-Up and Drop-Off

big bullet blue dot arrowThe student drop-off/pick-up location is at the valet booth entrance in the back of the building.

Class Size

big bullet blue dot arrowMaximum class size per schedule is 10 students.


big bullet blue dot arrowClairmont Advanced Education Center is located at 90 N Broadway, Irvington NY 10533

Our location:

Contact Us

big bullet blue dot arrowCall/text 914-771-0531 or email info@clairmontadvanced.com with any questions

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